Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Worldedit III: Run-Ons and Latins

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Curse you and your run-on sentence! It's the perfect marketing ploy. I keep checking back to see if a period materializes. Or at least a semi-colon.

Maratial Arts!

Now I'm left wondering whether calling the company on the postcard will result in self-defense classes or tips on boosting libido.

A die-hard purist might say 'censi' as the latin plural, but I've never heard it used

A "senior member" at WordReference.com typed this in response to the inquiry, "What is the plural of census?" And no one corrected him! Did his Latin dictionary break off at B? The Latin plural of census is census. Fourth declension. I'd advise using censuses, though.

Dumbass, its Latin the plural of penis is peni

Oh, how I love lurking in English forums! Aside from the adorable comma left waiting for a period (or two), and the unfortunate use of the wrong "its," I was glad to see someone corrected this unfortunate soul. The plural of penis is penises. If you want to get down with the Latin, it's penes. Third declension. An entirely readable answer to the penis question and of Latin in general can be found HERE.

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