Monday, January 10, 2011

Recipes of the Week

We'll be trying three new recipes this week. Two from Cooking Light's the essential dinner tonight cookbook, and one from the Alice's Tea Cup cookbook. The single recipe from the Alice's cookbook is simple: cucumber watercress sandwich with lemon chive butter. The Cooking Light selections are a bit tougher, but still fairly easy: polenta lasagna (vegetarian), and grilled tilapia with smoked paprika and Parmesan cheese. I'll post pictures and the full recipes as I do them. First, however, to the grocery!

EDIT: The grilled tilapia is off the menu. Whole Foods didn't have any tilapia left after the big sale. I'll probably still make the polenta with the Parmesan cheese, and I'll certainly make the polenta lasagna. Whole Foods also didn't have the watercress, so we're moving the cucumber sandwiches to next week. I'll let you know how the lasagna goes when I put it together tomorrow.

EDIT: Polenta lasagna is a success! Even Thorn had a taste. Zucchini, mushrooms, onions, and red bell peppers married well with the eggplant marinara, and all of it played beautifully with the polenta. A little cheese for Fox and me (Thorn's allergic), and we had a lovely, simple, nutritious dinner. I forgot to take pictures, so that'll have to wait until the next dish.

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